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Monkey Pox outbreak: Children are more susceptible to the Monkey pox infection ICMR Says

Many countries have reported an unprecedented outbreak of monkeypox

With spike in monkey-pox cases around the world, the government’s medical body, Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), on Friday (May 27, 2022) informed that children are more at risk of getting infecting with the monkey-pox virus.

Dr Aparna Mukherjee, Scientist E with the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) on Friday said that there are monkey-pox cases in cases in non-endemic countries of Europe and the USA. In India, we haven’t had any case yet & Govt is keeping a watch, she said.

“It usually comes with high-grade fever, lot of body ache &other symptoms. Rashes develop after 2-3 days,” Mukherjee said about the symptoms of monkeypox. She also said that individuals who have a travel history to these countries where there are monkey-pox cases and with these kinds of distinctive symptoms can get themselves tested. “We should not panic. It’s usually spread by very close contact,” she said.


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